An aperitif with a view
Relax and enjoy a breathtaking panorama

Plunge into the panorama
Your swimming pool with an amazing view

Tremezzo, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy
A unique holiday in a setting without equal in the world

We have a long tradition: since 1964


As soon as you open the windows, everything looks so much better.


Taste local and international traditional cuisine and enjoy delightful tastes and flavours.


Enjoy fully your privacy, you are in good hands.


This is the starting point for your favorite activities without moving your car…

Hotel Rusall - Via S. Martino 2 - Rogaro Loc. Tremezzo - 22016 Tremezzina (Lago di Como) Tel. +39 0344 40408 Fax. +39 0344 40447 - P.IVA 01508340138 - - privacy policy - cookie policy - | CIR CODICE REGIONE : 013252ALB00013